Weeknights With a Twist

Plagued with the Monday’s? Yeah, me too. When the sun is shining and you had a great weekend enjoying the outdoors– it’s hard to shake the craving for summer fun. Whether you grilled with friends or had a great sushi date night- weeknight meals traditionally pale in comparison. In order to turn these boring chicken-steak-fish meals on their heads, here are some fun, simple, and quick weeknight ideas to help you defeat the Monday’s-Tuesday’s-and Wednesday’s!

Breakfast with a Twist

My favorite part of Saturday and Sunday mornings are the delicious meals that come along with them. Pancakes with fresh blueberries and REAL whipped cream, Oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh fruit, and Goat Cheese Omelets are all delicious and equally fast to produce! My new breakfast for dinner staple is a take on the Egg Sandwich. Whole wheat bread, two eggs over easy, and sliced avocado is delicious and packed with protein and good grains.

Cinco de Wednesday

Image via Closet Cooking

Fajitas, Enchiladas, Tacos, Nachos– I love them all! Whipping up some delicious Mexican Cuisine is so simple and extra delicious paired with some tequila and lime juice on the rocks or a cold Tecate (a California favorite). Creating an entire meal based around a specific theme (booze included) gives even a long hump day the much needed boost to tide you over until the weekend. For a twist on your traditional regime– I suggest this delicious recipe for the perfect paloma and these white chicken enchiladas.

Pizza Picnic

Via Taste Food Blog

Image via Taste Food Blog

Inspired by my favorite tradition from childhood– there is nothing as satisfying about ordering in a delicious pizza after a long day, piling your blankets and pillows on the floor, and watching a great movie. No mess to clean, this is the perfect treat for a night when you’re exhausted and in need of some comfort.

What are your favorite weeknight pick me ups?

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